Wednesday, November 2, 2011

From Collins to Bowman... What Is our Future Outlook?

After reading The Hunger Games, I just have to say that I am excited to have this book included in my group teach! When I started to read about the point system used for the Hunger Games players, it really showed how much the concept was made to seem like a sporting event we would see on ESPN, showing player stats, sponsors, and the whole nine yards. I also thought it was really interesting how, in relation to the title of the book and the themes of food, food-getting and hunting, people’s eating habits seemed to demonstrate their rank. One example is when Katniss and Peeta are first on the train with Effie Trinket, and she compliments the two on their table manners, saying how barbaric the last two were at the table. Katniss then purposefully eats with her hands, wiping her hands on the tablecloth. She does this just to irritate Effie, using it as a tool to her advantage. We also see three characters, Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch, dunking their food when they are eating. Peeta first dunks his rolls in hot chocolate, which Katniss imitates, and Haymitch dunks his pork in wine. I thought, that is a lot of dunking! But I also realized those three are of the proletariat class, while Cinna, Portia and Effie are “Capitolists.” Maybe I’m reading a little much into the symbolism, but it really helped me to think about the related themes I named off earlier. Can you guys think of any other times when food is used symbolically in the novel?

Probably the most shocking moment for me was when the wolf “muttations” appeared and then Katniss finds out they are the dead tributes. I was wondering if they really brought back the players’ bodies or if they simply harvested their DNA to make these creations, but either way it was a pretty disturbing scene. As I said before in my last blog, I’m a sucker for a love story and The Hunger Games definitely delivered in that aspect, because the whole time I was wondering if she would end up with Gale or Peeta (or neither!). But even at the end, that wasn’t really answered. The ending in its entirety urges the reader on to the sequel. As I went with Katniss, on her journey, it was like I really shared her belief that once the Games were over, it would be a happy ending. But in the back of my mind, I knew this not to be true.
Would I teach Hunger Games in the classroom? Yes. It is a little violent maybe, but it removes the cursing that can become a deterrent as it is in some books I would want to potentially teach. I also like the fact that it is part of a series, because if the students liked it enough it would be possible to read the next two books in the trio. However, that might take up a significant part of the school year as the book was a tad lengthy.

As for the article I read “Is Stupid Making Us Google?” by James Bowman, and it had me thinking about this trend of educational apathy we were talking about in the last class with the references it made to “The Dumbest Generation.” Among other dilemmas he discusses, Bowman poses the question, Is it our generation’s fault, or are our mentors to blame? I thought, Is the blame on the rise of technology? The whole time I can’t help but find it ironic that I am reading this article online. While going through the article, I also related it to two other ideas. The whole time I was reading Hunger Games, I kept thinking about how so many of my generation wouldn’t be able to survive in such a dire situation. We are so focused on man’s own culture and creations that we have fallen mostly out of touch with the Earth. I actually have a somewhat decent about of friends who are more skilled in hunting, trapping and other outdoors skills than I am, but somehow I feel that this is the minority. I feel that not only are we not being taught to read in an educational sense, but we are also not pushed to learn everyday, common sense practices. The article also took my mind to what type of society we live in, which is a monochronic society, meaning time-oriented and progressive. Americans are expected to be on time to class, work, appointments, or wherever we go. Consequently, we expect to move along with our day in a timely manner, and this depends on all things from the services we receive to the daily traffic flow. I for one feel the constraints of time every day, as I go to school five days a week and work three. As I have to make enough time to do my reading for school, making time for leisurely reading is the last thing on my mind. At one point Bowman references “Nicholas Carr [who says ]that what we are witnessing is not just an educational breakdown but a deformation of the very idea of intelligence” (Bowman) I would agree with something along those lines, maybe more like that the value of intelligence and an educated mind seems to be deteriorating.


  1. I did notice some of the symbolism of food in the Hunger Hames. Honestly many of the food scenes made me hungry because Collins described it soooooo accurately! I did not really pay attention to the other indications of food used later in the novel, but I will go back and read this book again and makes connections.

    I read a lot during this semester, but the only problem is that it is for class not leisure. I am taking four English classes and one math class. I would say I read like 5 to 6 hours a week maybe even more. I would like to have more time in my day to read for fun, but right now I feel like I do not have time to just relax. I am worried about when the next assignment is due, so I push leisure reading away. I actually have a list of books I plan on reading for winter break. Isn't is horrible that we have to make time to do things we enjoy?

  2. Your descriptions of and enthusiasm for Hunger Games makes me excited to read it!

    Heather, I also have a list of books to read over winter break! Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood is at the top of the list.

  3. The part where the wolf “mutations” came out in The Hunger Games was the one part that really stood out to me as well! I was so surprised when I got to this part and couldn’t put the book down because I wanted to know what was going to happen and who they were. It really grabbed my attention and I really liked the idea behind the creatures and how they were really the dead tributes.

    I really enjoyed this novel and think that my students would enjoy it as well if it was taught in the classroom but I’m not sure if I would be brave enough to teach it in the classroom. The more I thought about it, the idea of censorship kept reoccurring to me. I was just really surprised that this is a novel read by so many young adolescents in schools and it isn’t censored. I remember how much of a controversy there was over the Harry Potter series! I’m surprised there isn’t a controversy with this novel yet, when it involves people fighting to kill one another!

    I also liked how you made the point about how the value of intelligence seems to be fading. I think that this can be seen as true. It seems as if media and issues along those lines have become most important to generation’s today instead of issues that were often previously thought about such as politics, etc.

  4. Becky, like others have noted your comments really make me want to read the book. I also like your comments about common sense skills. Your comment that "we have become so focused on man's culture and creations that we've fallen out of touch with the Earth" is so true. I've often wondered what would happen if society really had to rely on true survival without any technology. At the same time, I know technology will keep on being part of our world and we have to be able to use it to negotiate the world.

  5. Becky, I think you bring up a great point when you talk about how we are losing touch with nature and instincts but rely heavily on things that are man made or make our lives easier. When I read the Hunger games I pointed out to myself right away that I could never survive if I were int eh tributes' shoes. I mean we don't have to hunt and gather or make clever contraptions like a sleeping bag attached to a tree. I don't think, in that case, that those are neccessary but I do think it correlates with how people are today. I mean, there is a potato farm near my house and you never see anyone going out and getting the produce that they want. Instead, they'd rather go to a store and buy it off the shelf because it is very convenient. To be honest, if an apocalypse did happen, humanity could never fend for themselves. I don't think that Google makes us dumb or any other form of technology. I just think people need to use it in moderation. It's nice to have access to these tools and resources but relying on them heavily is quite dangerous. I mean math is a great example. If someone told me to divide a number (a large number haha) I could not do it in my head because I am so use to having a calculator. Not only are calculators helpful in that situation but almost every phone has a calculator built in it. In that sense, the world is getting dumber. I also loved the Hunger Games as well and I think you point out an interesting parallel to how they eat and the title. I never thought of that but I can definitely see what you mean. I think the book was such a good read and I know I couldn't put it down. I loved all of the characters and the plot was definitely not too predictable. Do you think the other two will be as good? I hope so because I definitely want to read them when/if I have some free time.
